Alex’s 2nd Birthday

Birthday boy started his day with a stack of pancakes and blowing out candles.  Then we took him to his two year old well child check up where Dr. Mink confirmed our suspicions that he was huge.  After lunch of pizza, one of his favorite foods, he opened our presents and was very happy to receive more trains, books, and an Elmo doll.  Cake came right after nap because Daddy had to head to work, but a sleepy Alex didn’t seem to mind cake before dinner.  We had planned on going bike riding, as that is another one of his favorite things, but it rained.  Luckily it was just a rainstorm and not a thunderstorm and therefore perfect puddle jumping weather.  Happy 2nd Birthday Alex!–GR4

Oma Visiting

Oma came out last minute to celebrate Alex’s 2nd birthday!  We were very happy to have her even for a short visit.  We were able to have some fun at the beach and also Alex’s birthday and birthday party before she had to head home.

Brooke’s 4th Birthday and Party

This year Brooke’s birthday fell on the day we had her birthday party.  She woke up very excited on Saturday to be 4 years old.  She had a great time at her Mermaid Under The Sea themed birthday party with some fun themed foods, custom-made ‘feed the fish’ and mermaid bean bag boards, and her bounce house.  She got a lot of great gifts too and then after Alex’s nap we took her to play at the pool.  What a fun-filled birthday!


Oma and Opa Come to Visit

Oma and Opa came to visit and we had a lot of fun. We played around our house and they enjoyed some hopscotch and watching Brooke bike, playing at the park, taking Alex to the farm, hiking, and naturally the beach.  We also had a lot of fun party planning for Brooke’s 4th birthday party.

Ammy and Papa Visit

We had Ammy and Papa to visit and we enjoyed having them.  Unfortunately, both kids got sick with fevers while they were here but we still managed to have a lot of fun.  We went to storytime, playtime at the park, strawberry picking, Alex got to go to gymnastics, and we saw the Lantern Asia exhibit at NBG.  Ammy and Papa gave Brooke and Alex their birthday gift, and got to enjoy it while they were here and an ice cream treat afterwards to celebrate!