Grammy and Grandpa Visit

This past week we got to visit with Grammy and Grandpa.  We all enjoyed having them around, but Brooke really had a good time hanging out with them, going to the beach, playing at the park and going to a farm.  Also, Brooke really got comfortable walking all on her own this week – – it’s been quite the transformation to where she now just runs around the house anywhere she’d like to go.




Oma and Opa Visit Brooke

Oma and Opa came to visit with us and Brooke after their trip to the Panama Canal.  We loved having them to visit and Brooke especially liked playing with them.  Thank you for taking pictures of us all!

We had a fun week! Story time at the library followed by a trip to the zoo on Thursday.  Brooke has three giraffe toys and must of recognized them because she tried to crawl the fence to get into their enclosure   Friday we all had to some fun at the amazing playground at Chesapeake City Park and went strawberry picking in the afternoon.  May is the month for strawberries in Virginia and Brooke did a great job picking them, putting them in the basket, and occasionally sneaking one for herself!  Saturday morning we went on a misty hike of Stumpy Lake in the morning and out to the oceanfront in the afternoon.  The 40mph winds didn’t keep Brooke from running up and down the stairs (her new favorite) and walking on the boardwalk.  Of course she loves wind. Sunday it stopped raining just enough for Opa to ride alongside Brooke and Mom around the neighborhood and some playtime in the garden.  We were lucky and the rain skipped us again on Monday so we could all go to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens and see the Azaleas in bloom and look at the many (30 total) glass statues up for the 75th anniversary of the NBG.  It was a wonderful and fun trip!

Grammy Visits – February 27 – March 4, 2013

Grammy was able to come and visit all of us for several days.  Brooke finally warmed up to Grammy (after getting over her “stranger” anxiety that she’s developed) and had a fun time playing, reading and taking wagon rides with her.

Tia Christine Visits

This past week we’ve had Christine, Laura’s sister, visiting with us.  It’s been a fun time having her here.  We know Brooke had a great time playing with her; and she certainly enjoys playing with her new xylophone and hugging her elephant.  Today was Christine’s last day here, and it couldn’t have been a nicer February day – – we were able to spend part of it laying out in the front yard playing.

Allison Visits – January 15 – 20, 2013

Allison came to visit us and see her niece, Brooke, who is growing all too fast.  She got to play with Brooke, go to the aquarium, and was even here over AJ’s 30th birthday.  We all really enjoyed having her around.