Aunt Allison came for a visit and the weather was beautiful. We had a lot of fun adventures with her including: going to the Virginia Zoo, dirty fun playtime at the park, jumping at Cloud 9, going to the beach, and a food truck festival!
Category Archives: Visitors
Oma and Opa Visit for Brooke’s Birthday
Last week Oma and Opa were here to visit. We had a lot of fun with them. We all went to the reopening of the Chrysler Museum, had Brooke’s 2nd birthday party, went on a 3 year overdue tour of the Norfolk harbor on the American Rover, Stockley Fine Arts Garden Festival, Norfolk Greek Festival, the beach, Oma and Opa went to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens, and lots of playtime here and at the park. Thanks Opa for taking such great pictures!
Brooke’s 2nd Birthday Dinosaur Party
Saturday was Brooke’s second birthday party and it was in the theme of her favorite thing… dinosaurs! She had a great time pretending to be a dinosaur with her cute RAWR hat, playing will all her friends in her new backyard, excavating for dinosaurs with her friends, eating dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and fruit for lunch, and of course enjoying birthday cake. She had an amazing time and it seemed all the other children, adults, and Oma & Opa did too. The next day she got to open her presents from her friends and one big present from Mommy and Dadda. Happy 2nd Birthday Brooke!
* A big thank you to Jen for the cute home made decorations and cup cake toppers and Opa for taking all the pictures!*
- Laura’s RAWR hats
- Bubbles!
- Laura made dinosaur excavation plates for each child
- Brooke found her dinosaurs!
- Dinosaurs on the fence
- Dinosaur lunch
- Birthday cake
- Swapped for a cupcake per birthday girl request
- Playing with baby Laney
- Oma reading the party favor to Landen and Brooke
Ammy and Papa Visit
This past week we had Grammy and Grandpa visit. Brooke had a hard time saying her “G’s”, so we finally settled on the names Ammy and Papa for now, which Brooke took to very well. We had a great week spending time with them. Brooke specifically had a blast going to the trampoline park, playing at the playground, visiting the botanical gardens, going kayaking and just spending some quality time at home with Ammy and Papa, to name just a few of the things we did.
Oma and Opa visit in August
Oma and Opa came to visit Brooke in August and had lots of fun with her. They went to story time, the park, the beach, blueberry and blackberry picking, the pool, and the botanical gardens. We all had a great time!