Today Brooke and I were playing when an ice cream truck pulled through the neighborhood at 7pm. Normally there is a pretty sketchy looking van with grocery bought snacks that drives through while the neighborhood children are at school and Brooke is asleep that I wouldn’t ever consider taking her out for. However, we saw that this truck was clean, beautifully painted, driven by a very nice lady, and it was real soft serve. Also we saw six neighborhood children sprinting at full speed towards the truck. Brooke was unaware to the excitement, but I picked her up and said ‘a real ice cream truck!’ I grabbed my wallet and we walked hand in hand to investigate. I bought Brooke a cone that she ate by herself and she seemed to really enjoy having fresh soft serve in her front yard.
Category Archives: Random Happenings
Brooke’s favorite protein is tofu. She likes it better than eggs, chicken, beef, turkey, beans, or fish. She will easily eat half a package in one sitting if I’d let her. Her are some pictures of her enjoying her favorite dinner.
Family Time
Last week we enjoyed a beautiful day out at the park. After eating Chipotle for lunch at the park, we took control of the wind and flew our kite. Later that night, Laura and I had a date at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens for an “Aquafire Night” that had live music, food trucks and of course fire on the water. We’ve been working with Brooke lately on potty training. We had tried a few weeks back but Brooke just wasn’t ready. Now she seems more aware of when she’s gone in her diapers, so we’re hopeful that she’s ready to transition to using the potty. Today was a beautiful day, we spent much of it outside (even using the potty outside) and finished off the evening with hamburgers (Brooke’s first) and then storytime before bed.
Picnic and Kayaking
It was another warm spring day so we decided to go on a picnic at Stumpy Lake and kayak a bit. AJ took pictures of Brooke and I kayaking.
- Ready Mom? Let’s go!