Daddy Zoo Day

Today I took the kids to the Zoo and we had a fun time looking at all the animals, and we saw the most peculiar creatures ever, little children in cages… if I had only known you could put kids in cages then these past several years would have been so much easier.

Walk Through

Today we did our final walk through for our new house that we are closing on tomorrow.  Everything looked perfect, especially seeing the kids playing in the yard as we checked out the house.  Alex, like a true boy, found his way into the garden box and promptly started eating the dirt… he was the first to make a mess in our new house 🙂  Brooke loved showing Deb, our real estate agent, her new room.  At the end, Brooke was so excited to be getting a new house she asked if we could move in tomorrow.  We are all ready to be in a place that we can call our own, we’ll just have to wait to move in for another week and a half as we get everything ready for our move.

After dinner tonight we all went out to celebrate our new house for the first time with some ice cream.  As I was getting into the car, Brooke was sitting on the steps in the garage putting her shoes on and happened to see my feet and said “Daddy, you’re wearing your slippers.”  In my excitement to get some ice cream I had forgotten to change out of my slippers, thankfully Brooke caught this and saved me some embarrassment.


Virginia Arts Festival Date Night

We planned a date night to go to the Chrysler Museum glass blowing performance art night (combines glass blowing and music) but ended up not even making it to the show because we stumbled upon the Virginia Arts Festival on the same night.  We started at the main Chrysler enjoying the exhibits and live jazz music and then ended up in several eclectic small art studios and one which was a mixed media studio exhibit area/night club.  We got to feel cool even when we were obviously the most suburban people there.

Water Bottle Holder

We have been taking several family hikes and I have been taking the kids on smaller (non-posted) hikes when AJ is at work. I thought Brooke would like a water bottle holder to carry her own things when she hiked. She loved the idea and helped me pick out the fabric and buttons for her and Alex’s water bottle holder. I SEWED THESE! Which for an uncrafty (by choice and by skill) person I was pretty happy with how they turned out. Brooke loves hers so much and I hope Alex will too in a year or so when he can use it.

Marble Flameworking Date Night

For my birthday, Laura got me a flameworking class from the glass studio.  We went and made our very own marbles… well, Laura did.  Mine are more blob shaped, but it was a great time.