
It was cool enough today to enjoy a little cocoa after quiet time before Alex woke up.

Hurricane Matthew

Hurricane Matthew hit us much harder than was forecasted.  We were all safe but we did have flooding (though no long term damage) and lost power.  Everything shut down for a few days.  I took some pictures of the kids during the power outage as we lit everything with candles for bedtime.  Also I was able to get my music to play Taylor Swift with the battery so they were having a kitchen dance party.

Resizing Brooke’s School Shirt

One the first day of school Brooke’s teacher gave me a shirt saying it was her school shirt that she had to wear on field trips and she could wear it whenever she wanted as well.  The shirt was a child’s medium and honestly probably would be big on my neighbor’s 11 year old.  Brooke is INCREDIBLY picky with her clothes and only has a few shirts/short/dresses that she wears ad nauseam.  She is very particular about new articles in her wardrobe as well.  So I knew getting her to wear this tent of a shirt was going to be a crying meltdown struggle every time she ‘had to’ wear it to school.  I took my moderate sewing skills and went about adjusting the shirt so it would fit her properly.  She happily wore the shirt around the house after I was done.  I think I did not to shabby of a job for my first time resizing a shirt.