Alex’s Big Boy Bed

Today I put together Alex’s big boy bed!  He wanted dinosaur print and so now has a new twin bed with bed frame, dinosaur sheets, dinosaur bedspread, and some dinosaur decorations.  I also re-arranged his furniture to make room for his big boy bed!  Brooke and Daddy were surprised to see his new room when they got home.

Morning Tea Party

This morning before the school bus Brooke planned a tea party that we all enjoyed.

Shamrock Half Marathon

Today I ran the Shamrock Half Marathon with my running partner Maia.  It was a great day for a race and we both got new PRs on our time.  I finished in 02:03:19.  After a shower and a nap, the kids and I went on a little walk to find ducklings in the waterway but only found a daddy duck.


St. Patrick’s Day Hike

We went on a little St. Patrick’s Day hike today and I took some pictures and video of the kiddos having fun.

Babies at Bergeys

This morning we went to Bergeys because we heard that all the babies were there.  We had fun looking at baby pigs, bunnies, cats, and goats!