COVID-19 Homeschooling Week 13- LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!

This was the last week of school! Woot! Brooke had her well check and then we raced home to pick up Alex and drop off our books at the school and say goodbye to the teachers there. We grabbed donuts on the way back. Tuesday Alex had his goodbye googlemeet with his class outside for a ‘picnic’ and shared his favorite memory of Kindergarten- going to the school library. The kids made a cool roads for us to use during Recess and we played in the backyard. Wednesday Brooke had her last googlemeet and they did a talent show.  She played piano for her class and I helped as her tech support for the camera. I had the kids complete their online assignments for both Wed and Thurs so we just called it the end of school that day.  I took them to the park to scooter and the skate park was open and they did a great job using the facility while social distancing with the few other kids there. They were hot when we got home and played with some playdoh to enjoy the AC. Thursday we surprised AJ with ‘Bonus Father’s Day’!  Since AJ had been working five days straight and had some stressful shifts, I decided to give him fancy breakfast, half of his presents, a chocolate cake, time to himself, and a nice dinner a week and a half early. Friday after a rainstorm I took the kids to our neighborhood park first thing, toweled off all the areas, then Clorox wiped everything so they could finally play on a playground after 13 weeks. We came home for lunch and then they played outside more with AJ. Brooke bought a princess tiara with her allowance and both kids helped AJ set up the tent to ‘camp’ in the backyard. After a fire and s’mores (of course) we got changed and slept in the tent (kinda). I made it an hour before the street noise wouldn’t let me sleep, both kids tossed and turned and had a hard time going back to bed after a 1 a.m. potty run, and AJ brought the kids in at 4 a.m. when the birds, light, and street noise was too much for them. Everyone slept until 9am inside! It was fun to try, but there is definitely too much noise in our neighborhood vs the mountains. The kids and I played in the tent for a really long time on Saturday and Brooke helped me pick some of our hydrangeas for the house. Sunday the kids and I played outside again and then I had drinks with Stephanie who I hadn’t seen in 13 weeks. Unfortunately, it rained so we had to huddle in her garage.

It is day 94 of quarantine. Now back to our regularly scheduled postings.

COVID-19 Homeschooling Week 12

Just keep homeschooling….just keep homeschooling….just keep homeschooling, homeschooling, homeschooling.

It’s week 12 and next week is the last week of school. I’ve stopped taking pictures of them doing all their assignments because they are largely the same. Tuesday we went on a short hike, Wednesday we played outside first thing before it go too hot. For Art we colored pages from a coloring book my friend gave me to cheer me up. Even AJ joined in when he got home from work. Thursday the kids read with AJ in the hammock before he went to work, then we did classwork and went to the beach after lunch. Friday we went to lunch and had a picnic in the parking lot outside target and Chik-fil-A because, you know, nobody can go inside anywhere. Saturday we all had dessert on the deck after playing outside and Sunday we had picnic lunch outside too. It is day 87 of quarantine.



COVID-19 Homeschooling Week 11

This week started off with Memorial Day and the kids made blanket forts before we went to the city center to scooter around since it was a holiday. It warmed up quicker than we expected so I took the kids to DQ for pickup. When we got home, we drew on the front porch, and had dinner outside. Tuesday was very rainy, but we were able to take a quick walk and I took some pictures of the dew drops. Wednesday the kids wanted AJ to substitute so he did morning lessons with them. Alex had to look for recyclable materials for his science class and Brooke played some on her new guitar. Thursday, both kids had social studies so I grabbed a quick pic of that. Friday, Brooke did her reading with me and Alex did word wall words with AJ. It started raining again so we did a tabatta inside and then after the kids went to sleep AJ and I had an at home date night. Saturday we watched the rocket launch and the kids played with their slinkies. Today we built rockets and launched them in the driveway before watching the astronauts enter the space station. It is day 80 of quarantine.

COVID-19 Homeschooling Week 10

Monday (well the whole week) was rainy so we got the wiggles out between Reading and Writing with GoNoodle and then did Moana Yoga for PE. Math we learned about measurement and for Science we worked on speciation and categorizing animals. That night we let the kids sleep in the playroom for fun. Tuesday we took a quick one hour break in the weather to do a bike ride for PE, before working on our recycling art project for Alex’s class. They also designed their own library books for Library. Alex passed out on the couch during dinner, he was so tired. Late Tuesday night I learned that my Uncle Eddy passed away and so on Wednesday we did school, but took it easy.  The kids were very supportive and went on a walk with me when it stopped raining. They also tried to cheer me up when I was sitting on the front porch. They had a fun time taking down the decorations from Brooke’s birthday. Thursday we had fancy breakfast and then got right into some Reading. They did Bob Till You Drop to get some wiggles out before Writing. They both had Social Studies lectures from school and we FINALLY got the computers working so they could do them at the same time. After lunch, we did tie dye for Art and everyone had fun making creations. Alex was done first so he took pictures for us. Friday the kids and I wore our tie dye shirts. After school AJ joined us for a bike ride and a daiquiri. AJ has been working all weekend, but we enjoyed going to a Drive By Birthday Party for one of Alex’s friends. Then the kids and I played out front for a while and went on a hike this afternoon before making dinner for AJ when he came home.


COVID-19 Homeschooling Week 9

This week we started off Monday with Tennis for PE after Reading and Writing. We went to the high school’s courts and the kids had a lot of fun. For Science we constructed paper mountains and used ink and water to learn how rivers are created. Tuesday for Social Studies we talked about different communities and homes and they wrote about their own. Wednesday I snapped a picture of Writing which we do everyday. That day we did Brooke’s school assigned science project about how plants help prevent erosion. Thursday was Brooke’s birthday, so we didn’t have school. Friday after class, we biked to Dairy Queen to have a cool treat. We went by the school and the bus lane was finished and they biked all over it. We had dinner on the patio with an impromptu dance interlude. Saturday AJ took the kids back to the school so Brooke could practice her roller bladeing on the new concrete; they skateboarded too. We went to the beach to cool off in the water that afternoon. Today we spent FOREVER cleaning the house, and then went on a family walk and are just relaxing now. Today is day 65 of quarantine.