Author Archives: AJ
Easter 2016
We celebrated Easter a little early this year because I working on the actual day. The kids didn’t seem to mind going on an Easter Egg hunt a little early though, the certainly enjoyed eating some of their treats before breakfast too.
Brooke’s Spring Concert – 3 Year Old Preschool
Brooke had her preschool spring concert today. She’s been working on learning the songs since January and occasionally she would break into song around the house and surprise us with an excerpt of a song that she was learning. It was nice to see her put it all together for the concert, they all did a great job.
Alex Saying Mommy
There was a time when all Alex would say was “Daddy”, and it was a good time. However, as the saying goes… all good things must come to an end. Alex has finally found a new favorite, and he admits to it too!
Daddy Zoo Day
Today I took the kids to the Zoo and we had a fun time looking at all the animals, and we saw the most peculiar creatures ever, little children in cages… if I had only known you could put kids in cages then these past several years would have been so much easier.
- Snack time