Walk Through

Today we did our final walk through for our new house that we are closing on tomorrow.  Everything looked perfect, especially seeing the kids playing in the yard as we checked out the house.  Alex, like a true boy, found his way into the garden box and promptly started eating the dirt… he was the first to make a mess in our new house 🙂  Brooke loved showing Deb, our real estate agent, her new room.  At the end, Brooke was so excited to be getting a new house she asked if we could move in tomorrow.  We are all ready to be in a place that we can call our own, we’ll just have to wait to move in for another week and a half as we get everything ready for our move.

After dinner tonight we all went out to celebrate our new house for the first time with some ice cream.  As I was getting into the car, Brooke was sitting on the steps in the garage putting her shoes on and happened to see my feet and said “Daddy, you’re wearing your slippers.”  In my excitement to get some ice cream I had forgotten to change out of my slippers, thankfully Brooke caught this and saved me some embarrassment.


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