
Brooke is in a phase of mimicking Mommy and Daddy.  Things she loves to do lately are: wear her scarf like Mommy or better yet wear Mommy’s or Jen’s or whoever is over at our house, scrub the floor with the brush Daddy uses to clean the carpet after she throws food, sweep the garage, help push the vacuum, help pump Mommy’s bike tires or BOB tires, help Mommy make the bed, help Mommy with the laundry, etc.  Yesterday after dinner we were going to go on a wagon ride around the neighborhood which Brooke had requested prior to dinner.  After dinner, however, Brooke did not want to do it without her broom.  So after she had fun sweeping the sidewalk, she swept the streets of our neighborhood.  I pulled her in that wagon for a half mile as she watched the broom sweep the street.  If I attempted to take the broom from her (at the house or in the wagon) I got a resounding ‘NO!’ and she would put both arms on the broom.  We got some chuckles from the neighbors but Brooke decided she wanted to CLEAN UP THESE STREETS!

2 thoughts on “Chim-Chim-Chiree!

  1. It’s so much fun when little ones love to help Mom or Dad! I also like her necklace, and dressing up her casual outfit 🙂

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