COVID-19 Homeschooling Week 9

This week we started off Monday with Tennis for PE after Reading and Writing. We went to the high school’s courts and the kids had a lot of fun. For Science we constructed paper mountains and used ink and water to learn how rivers are created. Tuesday for Social Studies we talked about different communities and homes and they wrote about their own. Wednesday I snapped a picture of Writing which we do everyday. That day we did Brooke’s school assigned science project about how plants help prevent erosion. Thursday was Brooke’s birthday, so we didn’t have school. Friday after class, we biked to Dairy Queen to have a cool treat. We went by the school and the bus lane was finished and they biked all over it. We had dinner on the patio with an impromptu dance interlude. Saturday AJ took the kids back to the school so Brooke could practice her roller bladeing on the new concrete; they skateboarded too. We went to the beach to cool off in the water that afternoon. Today we spent FOREVER cleaning the house, and then went on a family walk and are just relaxing now. Today is day 65 of quarantine.

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