COVID-19 Homeschooling Week 7

This week started off with the kids being creative while I ate breakfast; Alex building and Brooke painting. They had PE with Daddy playing some basketball. For Resource we did baking and made homemade cinnamon rolls. Alex accidentally put the mixer too high and I was the main recipient of the flung flour. I had ‘tea’ with my friend, Chelsea, from a very safe distance, sitting in our respective hatches. AJ made the kids balloon shapes while I was gone and since dinner wasn’t working, we ordered pizza (for the first time in seven weeks!). Tuesday I finished making a few masks for those who needed them. Brooke and Alex played on Brooke’s ‘zip-line’ that I helped her assemble during Recess and she invited us to ‘roast’ marshmallows over her fire. She had her ballet Zoom class that afternoon, and her instructor had very specific instructions on their wardrobe for class. After dinner, AJ made us a real fire and we all ate s’mores. Wednesday was warm enough to have class and lunch outside.  That night the kids wanted to do puzzles. Thursday rained all day- so no pictures. Friday we went on a hike before it rained again, and made some teacher appreciations pictures to email to their teachers. When it finally stopped pouring, we did some puddle jumping and Brooke choreographed a dance for me to do with her and then we videoed it from the curb. Saturday Alex wanted Panera and since we loosed the self imposed band on takeout, we all enjoyed it for lunch. Sunday was gorgeous and we had a picnic lunch in the backyard before heading to the beach for a late afternoon walk.




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