COVID-19 Homeschooling Week 5 “Spring Break”

This week was supposed to be our spring break and so I took the week off homeschooling the kids. Monday was my birthday and we spent it at home. AJ made me delicious donuts for breakfast and then I opened my presents. My friend, April, brought flowers to my door and I got to shout/talk to her from 15 feet away for a little bit. Then AJ and the kids washed my car while I relaxed. AJ made me Chinese food and lava cake since we couldn’t go to Dim Sum; it was perfect. I read the kids to sleep, and AJ and I relaxed with each other. Wednesday we had mulch delivered and went on a hike. A woman on the trail told us about a back portion we hadn’t been on, and we explored it until it dead ended.  Thursday was mulch day and we spent it making our yard look beautiful. Afterwards we relaxed next to the fire with s’mores while the kids did horse races. Everyone took a shower to clean off the smoke smell. Friday Alex got up early with me and we did the dishes before working on some trial assignments from Ms. Soles in preparation for online lessons next week. The kids played in the playhouse and I put my hammock up. I made strawberry daiquiris and pulled AJ away from work for ten minutes to drink them and listen to steel drum music. After dinner we all played a family game of croquet. Saturday we went on a 4.9 mile bike ride to see horses and then back home to complete Alex’s homework from school. Since he read enough with his class for the read-a-thon they did before the school closure, she assigned that each of her students watch a movie with their family since they couldn’t do it in class.  We watched Annie and had popcorn. Sunday the new tank for Ollie arrived and he seems to be enjoying his new space. I asked if anyone wanted to walk along the beach with me (still open for exercising) and everyone said “no”.  While I walked 3.6 miles along the coast, they played in the playhouse and had a pretend fire.


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