COVID-19 Homeschooling Week 11

This week started off with Memorial Day and the kids made blanket forts before we went to the city center to scooter around since it was a holiday. It warmed up quicker than we expected so I took the kids to DQ for pickup. When we got home, we drew on the front porch, and had dinner outside. Tuesday was very rainy, but we were able to take a quick walk and I took some pictures of the dew drops. Wednesday the kids wanted AJ to substitute so he did morning lessons with them. Alex had to look for recyclable materials for his science class and Brooke played some on her new guitar. Thursday, both kids had social studies so I grabbed a quick pic of that. Friday, Brooke did her reading with me and Alex did word wall words with AJ. It started raining again so we did a tabatta inside and then after the kids went to sleep AJ and I had an at home date night. Saturday we watched the rocket launch and the kids played with their slinkies. Today we built rockets and launched them in the driveway before watching the astronauts enter the space station. It is day 80 of quarantine.

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