COVID-19 Homeschooling Week 10

Monday (well the whole week) was rainy so we got the wiggles out between Reading and Writing with GoNoodle and then did Moana Yoga for PE. Math we learned about measurement and for Science we worked on speciation and categorizing animals. That night we let the kids sleep in the playroom for fun. Tuesday we took a quick one hour break in the weather to do a bike ride for PE, before working on our recycling art project for Alex’s class. They also designed their own library books for Library. Alex passed out on the couch during dinner, he was so tired. Late Tuesday night I learned that my Uncle Eddy passed away and so on Wednesday we did school, but took it easy.  The kids were very supportive and went on a walk with me when it stopped raining. They also tried to cheer me up when I was sitting on the front porch. They had a fun time taking down the decorations from Brooke’s birthday. Thursday we had fancy breakfast and then got right into some Reading. They did Bob Till You Drop to get some wiggles out before Writing. They both had Social Studies lectures from school and we FINALLY got the computers working so they could do them at the same time. After lunch, we did tie dye for Art and everyone had fun making creations. Alex was done first so he took pictures for us. Friday the kids and I wore our tie dye shirts. After school AJ joined us for a bike ride and a daiquiri. AJ has been working all weekend, but we enjoyed going to a Drive By Birthday Party for one of Alex’s friends. Then the kids and I played out front for a while and went on a hike this afternoon before making dinner for AJ when he came home.


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