We started over the weekend by making a social distancing chain to count the days out of school/practicing social distancing (I’ve got more links if we need to extend it-but for now they enjoy removing one every night). I’ve been conducting school as normally as I can at home and the kids LOVE me being ‘Teacher Mommy’. I even pick them up from their rooms on the ‘bus’ which is basically us conga-lining down stairs after they get themselves dressed. I printed out a bunch of worksheets to subsidize the workbooks I already had the kids (I use workbooks normally to supplement their school homework assignments). In the afternoon’s we do an ‘open air park excursion, where we go to an area outside that isn’t populated. On Tuesday, we did a field trip to the beach. It was mid-50s and windy so we were the only ones there essentially. We enjoyed corned beef and cabbage for dinner and AJ came home form working finally! I have access to the schools teaching computer programs (yea-me for saving the log-on papers from September for Alex and from kindergarten for Brooke!) and every day after quiet time they play the learning games they’d use at school. Today we pretending it is ‘Saturday’ because AJ is home (though he’s attending virtual meetings until this afternoon) and the weather is so nice (80s!). We will have ‘Friday’ tomorrow when it’s raining and AJ’s on shift. They have been doing really well with the new routine and not fussing about having to wave at the neighbors from across the street as everyone plays in their own front yard. Just wanted to let you all know what we are up to!
- Bill Nye the Science Guy!
Social distancing chain is a great idea, as well as all the school work the kiddo’s do! Enjoy your time together.. and know WE LOVE YOU ALL!!! XOXO