Dress Rehersal

Today was Brooke’s dress rehearsal for her ballet and tap performance this weekend.  We got her all dressed in her first costume before taking her to the Sandler Center.  I filmed the first dance but wanted to watch the second.  Unfortunately, we learned we weren’t allowed to video the performance so next time I’ll get them all at rehearsal!

Art Camp

Alex gets done with pre-K three weeks before Brooke is out of school so this week he went to Art Camp with his friend Juliette.  They had a lot of fun creating a bunch of different works of art and learning about different artists.  At the end they had an art opening and the kids showed us their works.

Watermelon Muffin Kids

It is already feeling like summer though it’s weeks away with 90-100 degree days.  These two enjoyed a cool watermelon snack from the farmers market and then we make two kinds of muffins for dinner.

First Beach Day of 2019!!

I took my beach babes to Sandbridge today for a perfect beach day.  They were amazing carrying their own chairs and a bag each (we took two trips because I had to carry the popup (50lb) and then the cooler (40lb).  Once we were all set up we had a great time mostly jumping in the waves but we also went for a walk, built several sand cities, had snacks and lunch, and buried the kiddos.  We arrived at 10am and left at 5pm.  I treated them to an ice cream cone on the way home because they were so great and we all had such a wonderful day.  I cannot wait for many more days like this.

Alex’s Last Day of Preschool

Today Alex had his last day of preschool.  He had a lot of fun playing with his buddies and was a bit sad saying goodbye to his teachers.  I surprised the school at the playground with 60 popsicles so all the kids got a sweet treat on their last day when they played after school.