Spring Break Trip To Arizona

This year during the kiddos spring break from school we took a nine day trip to Arizona.  My little fliers did well on the way out. Alex even took a quick lap nap before the second leg of our journey.  The first day in Phoenix was Easter and the kiddos got to have an Easter Egg hunt in Ammy and Papa’s backyard after finding their Easter baskets.  After a trip to the park to run off some sugar and Brooke helping Ammy in the kitchen we drove to Aunt Allison’s house.  Brooke and Alex enjoyed another Easter Egg hunt with their cousins, Ian and Aaron.  Then they had fun dying eggs together before picking seats at the kid table for Easter dinner.  The next morning Ammy and Aunt Allison joined us at our heated hotel pool for a fun morning and lunch in the sun.  The kids showed off their best jumping and swimming.  That evening was family dinner at Macayos and everyone had a great time.  Tuesday Ammy took us to the Phoenix Zoo to enjoy the zoo and a special dinosaurs in the desert exhibit.  We all had so much fun at the zoo that Alex passed out on the couch.  That evening was family dinner at Ammy and Papa’s and the cousins really enjoying playing with each other.  Wednesday we said goodbye to Ammy and Papa after lunch drove to Tucson.  Oma picked us up and since everyone was hot we stopped at Eegees on the way home.  AJ, Alex, and I relaxed outside admiring the desert.  We even saw a coyote heading to drink some water my parents leave out. Brooke and Oma cooked us a delicious dinner which we enjoyed.  Thursday we went to visit the University of Arizona and Christine at work.  She was actually able to join us to take the SunTran Lightrail to 4th Avenue for lunch.  After touring campus some more we headed home with a stop at Frost Gelato, yum.  That evening we sat in the pool yard looking at the beautiful scenery and listening to the coyotes talking to each other.  Friday morning we hiked Douglas Springs Trail with Oma and Opa.  Brooke wanted to go all the way to the top, but would have to wait.  After the hike we went to the Tanque Verde Guest Ranch to see their horses.  That evening we had a family dinner with Christine and Jake at Casa Molina.  Saturday morning Brooke, Christine and I hiked Phoneline Trail in Sabino Canyon.  Brooke kept saying that she wanted to go ‘to the top of the mountain’ and was her little mountain goat self and hiked the complete five mile hike (with half mile elevation climb).  She did amazing and afterwards I bought us all tickets to ride back to the base (as it would have been an additional 3.8 miles on the road back).  Brooke counted 16 lizards on the hike, one centipede crossed between Christine and I, and we encountered a desert tortoise on the trail.  Meanwhile, AJ and Alex enjoyed splashing in the stream crossing the road trail and took the full tram ride themselves. The kiddos deserved a cool down in Oma’s pool after and we enjoyed our last Arizona sunset of the trip before flying home on Sunday.


Alex’s School Easter Egg Hunt

Alex was excited to have an Easter Egg Hunt at his school.  Because it was raining they did it inside but everyone still had fun!

New Porch and Blue Door

We recently had our porch railing replaced and painted white to match our trim and also painted our front door blue!

Muddy Hike

This afternoon I took Brooke and Alex to Northwest River Park for a 3 mile hike.  After snacks at the halfway point we took a very muddy trail back.  Brooke and I did the best to weave around off trail to avoid the plethora of mud puddles but Alex just started walking through them.  I had to strip both down to their undies to get them into the car.  Sign of a good hike!

Alex’s Big Boy Bed

Today I put together Alex’s big boy bed!  He wanted dinosaur print and so now has a new twin bed with bed frame, dinosaur sheets, dinosaur bedspread, and some dinosaur decorations.  I also re-arranged his furniture to make room for his big boy bed!  Brooke and Daddy were surprised to see his new room when they got home.