It has started to warm up here and the kids have been enjoying some of the fun parts of spring like fields of buttercups, baby ducks, blooms on our apple tree, and easter candy from school.
Yearly Archives: 2017
MOMS Club Easter Egg Hunt
Today I took the kids to an egg hunt with the MOMS Club. The kiddos had a lot of fun hunting for eggs and then enjoying the goodies inside!
We ordered mulch for tomorrow to put down while the kids are at school. It got delivered early and so we ended up getting half of the front yard done with Brooke and Alex’s help. After grabbing dinner out the kiddos decided to have some fun playing in the mulch and Alex got very very dirty.
Spring School Pictures
Swan Lake
For my birthday this year I asked AJ to take me to see one of the two showings of Swan Lake when it was being performed during the Virginia Arts Festival. It was a wonderful and interesting evening. The ballet was absolutely beautiful. We had dinner and then AJ accidentally fell asleep twice during the first half just for a quick minute he said (he had gotten up at 5am that morning). He said he really enjoyed the ballet except for the part for when ‘they just kept dancing, and dancing, and dancing’ but commended them for ‘the fastest death scene you’ve ever seen’. On the way home AJ was accidentally speeding on the freeway and got pulled over. When he was asked he told the officer we had been seeing Swan Lake for my birthday. The officer gave AJ a warning as his birthday gift to me and we were off to home and bed.
- sleepy AJ
- boys in blue
- ut oh!