Yesterday we went to Chesapeake City Park to enjoy their 4th of July festival. We added our own fun with snazzy shades and glow sticks! We ended up being right under the firework show too!
- Hey Girl…
Yesterday we went to Chesapeake City Park to enjoy their 4th of July festival. We added our own fun with snazzy shades and glow sticks! We ended up being right under the firework show too!
Upon waking from nap today Alex was making a bunch of funny faces!
Today I took the kiddos to the beach by myself. Because of age and equipment it has always been a two parent job but now that they are getting older I decided to try it by myself. We had a lot of fun at Little Island Park in Sandbridge building sandcastles, running in the water, checking out the pier, building the kids a tide pool, having lunch, jumping in the waves, and on the drive home Brooke needed a bathroom break so we ended up getting a treat when we stopped.
Today after nap I took the kiddos to the park where Brooke pushed Alex on the swings and afterwards my big kids ate hot dogs adult style.