Brooke’s First 1 Mile Race

This morning Brooke ran her first 1 Mile race The Spooky 1 Mile.  She did great and finished in 10 minutes 29 seconds.  Alex had a lot of fun riding along in the stroller.  After the race I treated the kids to donuts then we surprised AJ at work.  After that we went and played at two parks and they both passed out on the car ride home.  Brooke really enjoyed her race and is excited to do another race next month.



Apple Cider

With fall here and finally colder weather I mulled some cider for everyone today.  It was a hit!


Newport News Folk Festival

After finishing the half and changing clothes we traveled up the street to the Newport News Folk Festival to enjoy some culture and ended up in a banjo kids drum circle.

Crawlin’ Crab Half Marathon

It was a hot and humid day for the half marathon in Hampton and AJ and the kiddos came to cheer me on.  I did pretty well with the first half of the race and ended up slowing a bit after mile 8 due to the heat and humidity.  My favorite part of the whole race was seeing AJ, Brooke, and Alex at the finish line.

5K Split: 00:28:54  Pace: 09:19 min/mi

10K Split: 00:59:34  Pace: 09:36 min/mi

Finish: 02:13:34  Pace: 10:12 min/mi