Brooke Rock Wall Climbing

One of the things I love about our Y is that while I get to take an hour workout class, Alex gets to play in a huge two story slide play area, and Brooke can either play with him or climb the rock wall.  Today she opted to not play with Alex and spent her time climbing.  She was climbing when I picked her up so I was able to get some pictures.

Busch Gardens Family Day

It was the last day that we could to go to Busch Gardens before our summer passes expired so we had one last fun family day riding the rides with Brooke and Alex.

Dancing in the Rain

I set to wash the salt from the ocean off my car and put the kiddos in swimsuits to help me.  As we finished a storm rolled in and I moved the car into the garage to dry it as the kiddos had fun dancing in the rain.

Alex’s 3 year well check

Today was Alex’s 3 year old well child check and of course he is healthy and growing well.  The official stats are in!  He is 42.9 inches tall (which we knew crudely from measuring for rides at Busch Gardens) and weighs 45lbs (another one we knew because he likes to weigh himself).  Dr. Mink said he was doing great and hitting all his milestones.

Solar Eclipse

Oma and Opa were here to enjoy the solar eclipse with us today.  We had 87% of the sun eclipsed by the moon at the max and had some fun watching both sides of the eclipse.  We also enjoyed noticing the change in light at the max, the eclipse pattern from the trees, and making pinholes viewers with our hands.  AJ took his glasses with him to work and stepped outside to view the eclipse during his shift.