First Beach Day of the Season

With our record high temperatures we took this 90 degree April day when AJ was off work to spend four hours at the beach.  It was a busy beach day as everyone else had the same idea.  We had a great time with the kids digging them a kiddie pool, building sandcastles, jumping waves, Alex trying to drink the ocean, AJ burying the kids and turning them into mermaids, and eventually dragging our chairs down to the water to watch the kids as they played contentedly.  We grabbed ice cream on the way out of Sandbridge and both kids fell asleep in the car on the way home.


End of Brooke’s Ballet Class

Brooke has been taking a very casual ballet class and had a little dance for the parents this week.

Hot Day at the Pool

We have had some record temperatures and on this 90 degree day in April I took the kids to the pool to splash around and have fun.

Oma Comes To Visit

Oma came to visit for a few days and we had a lot of fun with her.  We had some nice warm spring days and we played in the yard.  Oma ended up doing a lot of yard work with us while the kids were at school friday.  Then we went strawberry picking since our season is early this year.  It was even warm enough to go to the pool (they opened a month early!)  We enjoyed the strawberries we picked the next day on waffles before planting our garden for the summer.  The kids and Oma had a lot of fun in the garden and helping me plant a little ‘tester’ satellite garden by the fence.  They had fun drawing with chalk out front too.  Then in true Virgina fashion the weather swung and was cold and rainy for the rest of her stay.  We jumped in puddles, played indoors, went to the library, used Daddy as a mode of transportation.  On the last day we decided to take the kids to a trampoline park because everyone was getting cabin fever.  Thanks for the good visit Oma!!





The kiddos had a fun time searching for eggs in our backyard and finding chocolate bunnies in the playhouse.  They had just as much fun eating their candy too!  We took a walk to check on the baby ducks the came home to a delicious easter lunch of corned beef and cabbage.