Training Day One

Brooke is very excited to run her first race in April.  She is running a 1K kids race in Norfolk and we are all going to cheer her on.  Because she is younger she will have a guardian runner (me) with her.  A few days ago we went to Target for her to pick out some running clothes.  Today was the first day that she ran the entire 1K.  We plotted out the distance in our neighborhood so she could practice.  She and I ran together while I pushed Alex in the stroller.  She kept a good steady pace and only had to walk a short while to rest.  She said running with me was her favorite part of the day. 


Donuts with Dad

All the 4 year olds at Brooke’s school had a ‘Donuts with Dad’ breakfast this morning where the kids presented their dads with a necktie or bow tie that they had colored along with a placemat that was decorated by them with fun facts that they had told their teachers who helped write them down.  It was a lot of fun and a very special time for us.

Beach Day with Alex

It was going to be gorgeous outside so I decided to take Alex to the beach while Brooke was at school.  We stopped by Daddy at work and brought him and his coworkers donuts first.  Then had a fun time playing in the sand, dipping our toes in the cold water, playing on the playground, and enjoying a picnic lunch with a view.  Not bad for a Monday!


Oak Grove Lake

I was packing the kids up to go walk the lake and play at the playground when AJ called on his way home from work.  I brought him a change of clothes and we all got to enjoy the outing together.