Playhouse Painted

Today, after a week of not seeing the sun and near constant rain, it dried up and we saw the sun for one day.  AJ and I took advantage of that to finish painting the playhouse for the kids.  It is now ready for lots of fun!

USS Truxtun Change of Command

We were invited to attend the Change of Command Ceremony for the USS Truxtun, a destroyer ship of which our neighbor is now the Commanding Officer.  The ship deploys tomorrow for seven months.  We watched the ceremony surrounded by the ships officers and crew at attention with accompaniment of a naval band on the flight deck (luckily in a heated tent as it is January). Then we were welcomed to the Wardroom for a reception.  The previous captain and Troy used a large ceremony sword to cut the cake together.  There was a lot of interesting things that were done in the ceremony and after, that we had never seen or known about.  We got a coin also.  It was an honor to attend.

AJ’s 34th Birthday

We were a little busy the morning of AJ’s birthday on the Truxtun, but we got home and AJ enjoyed opening all his gifts.  Then Brooke, Alex, and I made AJ his birthday cake while he relaxed playing video games and watching TV.  We went out to dinner as a family to his birthday favorite, Smokey Bones and had birthday cake for dessert.  Happy Birthday AJ!

Snow Days

Saturday it snowed all day leaving us with 5 inches of snowfall.  We have had a lot of fun playing in the snow these last few days.  For the first time since we have moved here, AJ has been off during the snow.  We spent a blissful two days playing outside pulling the kids on sleds, enjoying pancakes and hot cocoa, watching family movies, walking in the snow to the park including taking the kids with us via sled, and making our own stair hill for sledding (since it is flat here).  Day three AJ had to work but we spent the morning sledding and clearing the driveway, as we did today.  The last three days had a crisp high of 25 degrees.  The kids have had a great time the last four days with the snow!

Playhouse Chalkboards

I painted each child a 2 foot by 6 feet area with chalkboard paint so they can have fun making their own masterpieces in the playhouse.