Today was gorgeous so we went to the park to play before going home for lunch. The kids enjoyed giving me some ‘cheese’ while having a snack and playing with each other racing down the slides.
Monthly Archives: September 2016
Attack of the Mushrooms
We were gone 7 days and mowed right before we left. These mushrooms were taking over when we got home. Luckily AJ knows how to take care of them. Only in Virginia!
First Day of School 2016
Today was Alex’s first day of preschool! He is starting at Brooke’s school and very excited to be going to school with his big sister, he is going 2 days a week. Brooke started her first day of pre-Kindergarten today and will be going 3 days. She has a homework folder and will start doing homework once a week. Both kiddos had a great first day of school. Alex didn’t cry at all on his first day. After school Alex was kind enough to share his cracker treat from his teachers will his sister as an afterschool snack.
Tucson Visit and Opa’s 70th Birthday
We traveled to Tucson to visit and celebrate Opa’s 70th birthday. It was Alex’s first time in Arizona and Tucson. While we were there we had a great time celebrating Opa’s 70th birthday with a walk, then lunch out at La Parilla Suiza where he got birthday margaritas and flan on the house, pool time with lots of fun splashing, and a dinner party with Christine and Jake. The kids and I had a fun idea to use different numbers to make 70 since Opa loves science and math. There were 12 different numbers that added to 70 on Opa’s birthday cake. The next day we spent a day seeing old friends in the morning and then viewing Christine’s work and taking a tour of the UofA in the afternoon. We hiked Sabino Canyon with Christine and Jake and Alex really enjoyed to cool mountain water that he jumped right in and had to ride home in a diaper. That night we went to the UofA home game with Jackie and Derek who drove down from Phoenix to see us. We hiked Douglas Spring Trail on our last day and bought some La Mesa Tortillas to take home with us, and saw a rainbow after bringing the Virginia rain with us to Tucson.
- Alex says ‘Wooo Wildcats!’
Reading In Bed
Alex and AJ enjoying some morning snuggles and reading.