Oma Visiting

Oma came out last minute to celebrate Alex’s 2nd birthday!  We were very happy to have her even for a short visit.  We were able to have some fun at the beach and also Alex’s birthday and birthday party before she had to head home.

Ocean Summer Camp

Brooke was able to go to another week of morning summer camp.  We found a STEM summer class right in our backyard so she went to Ocean Week and they did a bunch of amazing things including shucking oysters, touching jellyfish and hermit crabs, and all sorts of fun messy science things.  These are pictures of the outside of their classroom where they did experiments and had fun having a popsicle on the last day of camp.

Family Summer Hike

It has been a HOT summer for us but we got one really nice day of 84 degrees and spent almost all day outside.  We also got to hike which we haven’t been able to do since summer started.  Everyone had a great time hiking except for the moment Alex misunderstood the softness and good partnering of a tree.  Afterward we all got cupcakes for dessert!