Family Tides Game and Alex’s First Baseball Game

We decided since the weather is nice to take the kids to a Tides Baseball game and enjoy some family time.  It was Alex’s first time to Harbor Park and the kids both had fun watching the game some but mostly running around the stadium, having hot pretzels, and playing with their fun balloon animals.

Big Boy Bed For Alex

We moved Alex into his new big boy bed!  He is very excited to have a bed now.  We did a few trial nights to make sure he indeed loved it before we disassembled the crib a week later.  These are pictures of his first night and day.  Such a big boy!!

A Very Rainy Stockley

This year we went to the Stockley Fine Art Festival hoping that the cloudy Virginia weather would remain as such.  No luck.  The chance of rain turned into a very good rainstorm.  We were prepared with jackets and boots and we told the artists that we are very serious about fine art to come to see it in the rain.  Eventually the rain drove us home and we didn’t get to see as much as we would have liked, but it was still a fun outing overall.

Brooke’s 4th Birthday and Party

This year Brooke’s birthday fell on the day we had her birthday party.  She woke up very excited on Saturday to be 4 years old.  She had a great time at her Mermaid Under The Sea themed birthday party with some fun themed foods, custom-made ‘feed the fish’ and mermaid bean bag boards, and her bounce house.  She got a lot of great gifts too and then after Alex’s nap we took her to play at the pool.  What a fun-filled birthday!


Oma and Opa Come to Visit

Oma and Opa came to visit and we had a lot of fun. We played around our house and they enjoyed some hopscotch and watching Brooke bike, playing at the park, taking Alex to the farm, hiking, and naturally the beach.  We also had a lot of fun party planning for Brooke’s 4th birthday party.