Family BBQ Date Night

Sometimes your sitter has a flat tire and since you’re all dressed anyway why not take the kids out to dinner (something family friendly) instead of staying home?

Alex Feeding Himself Yogurt

When Brooke was this age she had a whole post about her feeding herself yogurt.  Not to be outdone Alex has taken to task feeding himself as well.

Alex Walkering Outside

Alex has been using his walker to walk inside the house and out.  He has already burned holes through his first pair of shoes!

Alex’s 12 month well check

Today was Alex’s 12 month well check and he did pretty good considering that he got four injections and had a blood draw (all routine).  It is no wonder that I threw out my back getting his wiggly heavy uncooperative self out the carseat to get diapers at Target yesterday.  He weighs in at a whopping 30 lbs and is 32.5 inches long!!  BIG BIG BOY!

Alex’s First Birthday

Today was Alex’s first birthday and we spent it doing all the things he likes best.  He had pancakes for breakfast and then went to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens to play in the fountains.  After a nap and lunch we went to the bounce house.  Then after nap and a dinner of his favorite foods he opened all his presents.  Not to bad for only a year old!