Father’s Day

Today we got to spend the day celebrating AJ on Father’s Day.  Alex helped make breakfast by playing quietly while Brooke was a little more hands on in the kitchen.  After sleeping in and having a breakfast of blueberry pancakes, eggs, bacon and opening his gifts, we took AJ to cool off in the pool.  He had a relaxing afternoon and was treated to a steak dinner.  Happy Father’s Day AJ!

Alex Playing With Balloon and Clapping

One of Alex’s favorite things to do is play with a mylar balloon.  His fondness started in April when I received one for my birthday and has continued since then.  He looks pretty stinking cute while doing so therefore I took some pictures and video.  Also Alex has started clapping and we have video of that too.  He is now 10 months old.  Enjoy!





Alex’s First Time In The Ocean

Today we took Alex to the beach and it was his first time in the ocean.  Going to the beach with a 9 month old is so much work and required so much equipment that another mother nearby commented how glad she was that her youngest was now five years old and she ‘paid her dues’ and now beach days are much easier.  After we got our ridiculous set up done we all got to enjoy a bit of time in the water.  Alex loved the waves at the shore but even more so when I was carrying him and they crashed on us.  He laughed every time.  Just like his sister he likes it better when there are big waves versus calm water.  As babies do he got tired and unfortunately rubbed sand in his eye which lead to it bleeding and a quick and rushed exit back home.  It’s always hard to have a baby at the beach but at least we all had fun for a short while.

Tides Game Brooke Date

AJ had free tickets and dinner at a Tides Game as a thank you for working with the medical students of EVMS.  We decided to get a sitter for Alex and take Brooke with us on a ‘Brooke Date’.  We started our delicious dinner which was within moments rained out.  We sought out shelter under the seats behind a concession stand and sat on the ground to finish our dinner.  It was a quick storm so we got to see some of the game before getting Brooke home for bed.