Family Hike and Food Trucks

Today we went as a family to the food truck festival at the Great Bridge waterfront.  They have been working on improving the new park there and have put in a hiking trail.  We decided to take a nice walk before dinner and saw some native cypripedioideae (lady’s slipper orchids).

Brooke’s First Haircut

Brooke’s hair had been getting really long and we decided that since her 3rd birthday was coming up soon that this would be a good time to get her first haircut.  Today AJ was off so we could all go as a family.  For her first time we took her to a kids only place with fun chairs for them to sit in, animal crackers, and cartoons.  Brooke choose to sit in the airplane and did an amazing job.  She never even cried or was worried, she followed instructions to look up, down etc, and got a beautiful braid after her hair was cut 2 inches shorter.  The stylist called her a pro.  After we got home she wanted to play ‘haircut’ and did Daddy’s hair after she did mine.  Alex even got in the action too keeping her brush warm.

Summer Family Photos

We recently had our summer family pictures done at the Chesapeake Arboretum.  We got a couple of good shots of us and ones of the kids.