Brooke’s 3rd Orange Birthday Party

Today was Brooke’s 3rd Birthday Party.  She wanted an orange party and AJ and I think we did a pretty good job making everything orange including orange only food.  We all dressed in orange and had a lot of fun with the many friends who came to celebrate with Brooke.

Odd Place For A Nap

Brooke is now taking naps about every other day.  On the other days she does independent playtime ‘quiet time’ in her room, which she actually loves and favors over naps.  Every once in a while she will fall asleep during quiet time.  Most of the time it is in her bed but occasionally it is in places like this.

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Brooke’s 3rd Birthday

Today was Brooke’s 3rd Birthday!  We started it off with muffins for breakfast (per her request) with three candles for her to blow out.  Then she got to spend her morning at school where they sang her happy birthday and she got to share and enjoy the mini donuts she wanted to bring to school.  They also had a snow cone truck come to school and she got a birthday hawaiian lei with her snow cone.  After school she took a nap and then opened all the presents from family.  We had her requested favorite food for dinner: hot dogs and macaroni and cheese.  Then we all went for surprise ice cream.  That is A LOT of fun packed into one 3 year old day!! Happy Birthday Brooke!

Mother’s Day

I had a wonderful Mother’s Day with my beautiful children today.  I had already received some fun gifts from Brooke that she made at school when I attended the Mother’s Day Picnic with her; such as my first macaroni necklace, a card saying she loves me because I cook her hot dogs and go running with her, a laminated photo of her, and the song below.  Today I got an omelet breakfast by my amazing husband, I got to run with Brooke then run by myself.  Then we all went strawberry picking and while Brooke napped I got some playtime with Alex.  AJ got me a whole houseful of flowers as my gift and I didn’t have to cook dinner or change any diapers today!!  It was really a relaxing and nice day with my family.