Annual BMNM Birthday Celebration

Saturday we met up with our friends for the annual Brooke Margaret Nicole Mattie birthday celebration.  This year all the girls were turning 3!  Brooke being the oldest, followed by the twins 6 days later, and Mattie 6 weeks after that.  We walked around first waiting for our ‘always late’ friends to arrive then went to the splash pad. They had a fun time splashing around and got birthday cupcakes a well.

A Day at the Museum

We decided to take a break from the heat today and spent the afternoon in the Chrysler Museum of Art.

Alex likes TACOS!

You heard the baby…. he likes tacos!

Alex’s first pool time and shower time

Saturday was the first day we went in the pool as it opened for the summer.  We have long known that Alex was a water baby like Brooke and true to that he loved the pool.  Alex also had his first shower which he took with dad.  We also got him a little floaty to use in the pool while I have just the two of them to make it easier to watch both. (Don’t worry, I am in the water just out of frame with Alex, AJ is taking that picture.)

Alex is 9 months old

Today was Alex’s 9 month well child check as he turned 9 months.  He weighs 24.5 lbs and is 30.1 inches long.  Dr. Mink says that he is doing great!  At 9 months Alex is so close to crawling and likes to rock and scoot to get where he wants to be.  He loves laying down in the tub and splashing like crazy and pushing himself from one end of the tub to the other.  He claps his hands.  He has 4 front teeth and according to Dr. Mink is soon going to get some more.  He loves playing with us and his sister and his friends at stroller strides.  He drools everywhere!  He eats purees but also eats small pieces of table foods: salmon, bread, crushed beans, rice, shredded chicken, cheese, etc.  He will put anything in reach in his mouth.  He loves to stick out his tongue and make noises like ‘da da da’, ‘ba ba ba’, and now occasionally ‘ma ma ma.’