Oma and Opa Visit

Oma and Opa came to visit and celebrate my birthday with me.  We had a great time with them as always and had a couple of fun firsts for Alex.  Both kids got new carseats: Brooke got two fancy new booster seats and Alex got moved up to Brooke’s old convertible car seats.  We had a picnic at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens and little french boy Brooke played in the water which we didn’t know was turned on yet.  Alex had his first experience at the beach including eating some sand.  Oma and Opa took Brooke to the park to play and swing while I took Alex to the grocery store and he got to sit in the cart for the first time. We also had a lot of fun around the house.  It was a good and busy visit.

One thought on “Oma and Opa Visit

  1. Thank you for a fantastic visit, we really enjoyed all the time playing with Brooke and Alex!! Thanks for the beach days too, we really had great weather and sunshiny kids! xoxo

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