Alex Jumping

Today Alex was being cute, playing in his jumper.  He is a very smiley and happy baby, even while getting his first tooth in today.  This evening we noticed a sharp tooth scratching us as he nibbled on our hands, and sure enough, his first tooth (the bottom right central incisor) was just poking through his gums.

Bergey’s Afternoon

This afternoon was a beautiful spring day so I book Brooke and Alex to the farm to enjoy the animals and get some farm fresh eggs.  She carried her Zebra like I was carrying Alex. Charlotte had 6 new babies 2 days ago and Brooke even petted the baby goat!

Alex is 7 months old

Alex turned 7 months old today and I took some cute pictures.  He also handled a mum-mum today for the first time well.  Our boy is getting so big!

Aquarium Morning

AJ was sleeping in after working evenings so we took off to the Aquarium to keep the house quiet.  This was the first time Alex wasn’t sleeping through the exhibits and really liked looking at the fish with Brooke.

Family Zoo Day

AJ was off today and so we decided to monkey around and take a trip to the zoo.