Afternoon Snack

Yesterday I was going to post these pictures of Alex because AJ and I had been talking about how we didn’t have very many messy face baby food pictures because it wasn’t as much as a surprise to us how much it got everywhere since he is our second child.  Today AJ posted his own picture before I told him I took these.  Medula!

Naked Babes

Having some naked time before their joint bath.  Fuzzy pictures because they kept wiggling and the chair was rocking.

First Snow Day for Alex

Today was the first day it snowed in 2015 – a playful inch.  After a quick breakfast, I got both kids dressed and ready to play in the snow before it melted.  Brooke loved the snow and since she was warm and comfortable in her snow clothes wanted to stay all morning in the snow.  Alex did well but was ready to nap after 15 minutes of being outside.  Alex has been a stinker all day (and all night – going on 90 minutes of crying to get to bed tonight – ugh Mommy and Daddy are tired) so he only napped 30 minutes this morning which meant Brooke and I had to cut our playtime short to come inside to tend to him and then eat lunch and then the snow was pretty much gone.  We did at least get to build a snowman, lots of snow balls, and have fun regardless.

Aquarium with Friends

After breakfast we went to the Aquarium on yet another rainy winter day to meet up with some friends.  Brooke had a great time playing with her friends and I did an excellent job, if I do say so myself, of multitasking the both of them.  Playing with Brooke while Alex napped a short while, nursing Alex while Brooke played in the new children’s area, and then feeding him solids while we walked through the aquarium exhibits.  Yes that is a beach towel covering him in the stroller and sweet potatoes on his face.  Brooke and I even got to sit down and eat the lunch I packed us with Marcella, Mattie, and Grady in the aquarium’s cafe before heading home to naps.  It was a successful day.