Time with Alex- 3 months

Last week Alex turned 3 months while we were enjoying our 4 day visit with Oma and Opa.  Today while Brooke was at school I tried to find some decent light on this rainy November day to take some pictures of Alex.  At 3 months Alex is picking up toys, bringing toys/hands/clothes to his mouth and gumming on them, he has improved head control, he talks up a storm, he’s adopted his sisters aversion (at the same age) to smiling at the camera unless you trick him, and he sucks his left thumb.  He likes it when I sing to him and playing a new game called ‘Captain Alex!’  A game AJ started and I named.  I lie on the floor and lift him over my head so we are face to face and make airplane noises as he flies around.  He likes this game so much that I think I heard his first laugh today.

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