Today Alex is 8 weeks old and I took some pictures of him this morning talking to share with you!
Monthly Archives: October 2014
Rolling with Laughter
We took a walk around the neighborhood tonight and ended up at the park. Brooke had a blast learning to roll down the hills.
Alex meets his stroller strides friends
Today after Stroller Strides I nursed Alex while Brooke played with her friends and then laid him down for some stretching time and Brooke was happy to show off her baby brother. He also met a new friend who is only 2 days older than Alex.
Deck time with Alex
After Brooke was napping I went outside to enjoy the gorgeous 75 degree day with Alex. I took some pictures and a video of him being adorable and ‘talking’. Then AJ woke up from his night shift and said we were so cute that he took some pictures of the two of us.
Chrysler Museum with Alex
While Brooke was at school today Alex and I met with my friend Meg and her youngest (her oldest in school as well) to tour the newest exhibit at the Chrysler- Worn to be Wild. The exhibit was all about the black leather jacket. At the end of the exhibit there was a place to try on jackets and get your photo on a motorcycle. Meg and I laughed at the fun of this because both of us were carrying our infant sons. Afterward we toured the museum and of course took a picture in front of the Tissot for Opa.