Snow Day 2014

Overnight last night starting at 6:30pm it snowed.  This morning we woke up to 3-4 inches.  With AJ off all day we were very excited for a family snow day.  After breakfast we all bundled up in our snow gear.  Two weeks ago at target I had noticed that they had toddler snow bibs on clearance for $8 (if you know anything about children’s departments they always have everything sold out by the time you actually need it).  I bought one and convinced AJ that if we didn’t use it Target had a 90 day return policy and I’d save the receipt.  Brooke wore her new snow bib today and kept warm.  She had a lot of fun with us.  We started off in our driveway using the steepness of it to our advantage to boogie-board down the snow.  She got the hang of trying to throw snowballs but really just picked up snow and wiped it on your sleeve or pant leg and then laughed hysterically.  Snow angels did not go well as she did not like being laid in the snow.  Since it was 15 degrees out today (felt like 6) we only stayed out for 15 minutes before Brooke had enough.  We warmed up with some hot cocoa for everyone and a fire and then she wanted to go ‘outside’ again.  This time we ventured into our backyard for some snow swinging, playhouse fun, and more sledding.  We also went out again after her nap and attempted to build a snowman but the snow was all powder, so we took Brooke on a wagon ride in the snow and then had some delicious homemade soup and got her into a warm bath before bed.




Getting Settled

Brooke acclimated amazingly to moving to a new house, within the first day.  Of course it probably helps that she has a swing and an outdoor wooden playhouse, a playroom, and of course empty boxes to play with.  Also she found comfort in an old rocker she spent a lot of time in as an infant.






For Christmas I bought Laura a kayak and life vests for her and Brooke so we could go kayaking as a family.  This week it warmed up to 60 and we took advantage to give the new kayak a spin.  Brooke really enjoying being out on the water with Mom.


Cloud 9

After a long (longer than expected) day of moving, I thought it would be a good idea to have a family fun day the next day.  A new trampoline park called Could 9 had just opened down the street so we went for the under 6 year old jump time.  Brooke had a great time as well as Mom and Dad.  Then we topped off the morning with breakfast at The Broken Egg Bistro and storytime at the library.


