Today was Brooke’s one year check up with our favorite pediatrician Dr. Mink. He said that she is still off the charts and a very healthy baby. She is over the 95 percentile in height (we all knew that) and now in weight! Have you seen her budda belly?! Brooke is now 32.5 inches tall and weighs 24 pounds. In 3 months, she grew 2.2 inches and gained 3 pounds. Since her birth, she has grown 11 inches and gained 15 pounds. Way to grow Brooke!
Unfortunately for Brooke this checkup came with vaccinations, four of them. She did well with the shots but cried so hard when they had to draw her blood for routine one year labs from her finger tip. Luckily a little breast milk in the office did the trick and we were off to meet friends and Daddy at the park as he got off work.
This afternoon, Brooke was supposed to go into the Chesapeake Bay for her first time, but unfortunately Bayleigh and Katie had to cancel. So we had some water fun at home with a baby pool I bought for her. She had fun chasing and then throwing her water toys as she learned the edges on the pool were much shorter than in the tub.
The last picture was just for fun. I was holding Brooke in the kitchen and gave her a spoon for fun. While she was eating, she had a good time waving it around and then handing it to me. I would wave it around, she would laugh, and I would hand it back to her. Then repeat. This and some verses (with hand motions) of itsy-bitsy spider and hickery-dickery-doc kept her from throwing ANY food at dinner. Yipee! (Brooke has now taken to throwing even her favorite foods off her highchair.)