Baby Narkissos

This morning AJ was working away in the ICU I decided to take a picture of us with my phone to send him to cheer him up…. 

Brooke seems to share some characteristics with Greek hunter Narkissos in that when she sees her reflection (in this case in the screen of the phone as we take a picture) she is over come with glee.  Unlike Narkissos, she happens to think the girl in the reflection is incredibly funny in addition to adorable.

Family Photos

After Brooke was born we took some family photo’s to help commemorate the event.  We thought that with Brooke turning a year old recently, we would do the same.  Here are the great photo’s that our photographer took.

Brooke Feeding Herself

Brooke loves to eat and has taken to feeding herself lately.  She won’t hardly let us feed her with a spoon anymore, opting to do it herself.


Laughing in the Bath

Brooke loves her bath time.  Each night now she grabs one of us by the fingers to help her walk up the stairs.  Once we make it to the top she makes a beeline straight for the bathtub.  After the mandatory cleaning part of the bath, Brooke loves to just sit there and play.


Video Updates

Here are two video updates of Brooke.  She learned to crawl a few days before her one year birthday, here she shows off her skills.  We also practiced drinking from a cup without a lid, as you see in the first video most of the water ended up on her pants, but she’s still trying.


