Independence Day Celebration

In Chesapeake they have Independence day celebrations on July 3rd so that city employees can be home with their families on July 4th.  We wanted to show Brooke the fireworks this year since it was a special occasion and planned accordingly by having her take two long naps (4.5 hours total) so she could stay up a bit later.  I also bought her a cute new dress.  We went to a friends BBQ where she had a good time playing with their two dogs and all the other children and then we went to Chesapeake City Park.  Brooke loved clapping her hands as the army band played music; specifically during ‘Stars and Stripes Forever’.  She also had lots of fun walking around and interacting with all the people there.  When the fireworks started she wasn’t afraid but was mesmerized.  After a while though it started getting loud and she enjoyed the rest of the show being held by myself and Laura.

Day Date!

On AJ’s first day of summer break before he starts with EPT we decided to go on a ‘day date’.  We had a great lunch on the river and then went swimming.  It was very nice to be at the pool with just each other and just relax.

Brooke’s First Ballgame

Today we decided to go as a family to our local minor league Tides baseball game.  Brooke had fun walking in the isles and trying some ball park grilled soft pretzel.  Her favorite thing by far was walking up and down the stadium stairs.  Mom and Dad took alternate innings walking with her.  Even though she didn’t quite make it through the 7th inning stretch, for a 13 month old she did great.

AJ’s Last Day of Residency

Today June 30th, 2013 was AJ’s last day of residency so I got up early to surprise him with a special breakfast as he was coming home at 8 o’clock after night shift.  Of course I had to make some for Brooke as well.  I woke her a bit early so we could be ready when Dad got home but she didn’t seem to mind.