Brooke’s First Birthday Party

Today was Brooke’s first birthday party.  Her birthday is Tuesday but we had some of her friends over to celebrate her birthday with all of us.  We had a house full of babies, most of which were Brooke’s age — one younger, one older.  Laura did an amazing job prepping all week and setting up for the party as I was lucky to get off work in time for the party to start.  Brooke played with her friends, and with many more baby hands our living room quickly converted to a busy toy laden playground.  Then Brooke opened presents and everyone was surprised how she understood how to get her cards out of the envelopes and how well she pulled the wrapping paper off.  She received a lot of wonderful things from her friends and still has all of her family gifts to open on Tuesday.  We tried to have her wear her cute birthday hat (thanks Allison) but unfortunately she didn’t want to keep it on for long.  Better luck with her birthday photos on Tuesday.  Afterwards, she had her first taste of cake which Laura made and decorated for her.  She was sort of puzzled at the consistency and overall stickiness of the icing, and didn’t get to much of the cake, but she did a good job sliding the cake over and ‘smashing’ it.  It was a very successful first birthday party.




Oma and Opa Visit Brooke

Oma and Opa came to visit with us and Brooke after their trip to the Panama Canal.  We loved having them to visit and Brooke especially liked playing with them.  Thank you for taking pictures of us all!

We had a fun week! Story time at the library followed by a trip to the zoo on Thursday.  Brooke has three giraffe toys and must of recognized them because she tried to crawl the fence to get into their enclosure   Friday we all had to some fun at the amazing playground at Chesapeake City Park and went strawberry picking in the afternoon.  May is the month for strawberries in Virginia and Brooke did a great job picking them, putting them in the basket, and occasionally sneaking one for herself!  Saturday morning we went on a misty hike of Stumpy Lake in the morning and out to the oceanfront in the afternoon.  The 40mph winds didn’t keep Brooke from running up and down the stairs (her new favorite) and walking on the boardwalk.  Of course she loves wind. Sunday it stopped raining just enough for Opa to ride alongside Brooke and Mom around the neighborhood and some playtime in the garden.  We were lucky and the rain skipped us again on Monday so we could all go to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens and see the Azaleas in bloom and look at the many (30 total) glass statues up for the 75th anniversary of the NBG.  It was a wonderful and fun trip!

Brooke’s First Flight

We know that everyone has their own pictures from our trip to Arizona and even better you all got to see Brooke in person so we will just post pictures of something you didn’t see…Brooke’s first flight.  As you know it was a busy one both ways but we still got some cute pictures of Brooke.