Fun Friday

Today was a fun day.  This morning we, of course, went to stroller strides but it was special today because it was our favorite instructor’s birthday.  To celebrate I (and all the ladies) wore shirts that we made saying “We Love Devon!”.  Brooke wore her workout gear to show Devon that her dedication to fitness and healthy living is passing on to the next generation!

Then we were invited to ‘Fun Friday’, which is when the ladies in our neighborhood and their children do a fun activity on Friday.  Today it was the beach and we had a great time playing with all our neighbors at the ocean.  Brooke’s favorite thing is the waves and was the ONLY child there (11 kids -ages ranged from 6 weeks to 5 years) who was running INTO the waves (not just splashing at the waters edge).  Eventually I had to pick her up from getting clobbered and I held her on my hip and went a bit deeper until the waves were hitting on our midsections.  Every time a wave would hit us she would laugh and laugh!  She is a beach baby for sure.  She also loved getting head to toe covered in sand and playing with her story time friend Giuliana.

What a wonderful day!

Remembrance Day

On our day of remembering those who died while serving in our Armed Forces, we enjoyed the freedoms that they gave their lives for.

Last Call

Normally we keep this website for family events, but today is an exciting day at work for me – – it’s my last call ever.  I am very happy to never have in-house call again, so here’s to a good last call…

Baby Narkissos

This morning AJ was working away in the ICU I decided to take a picture of us with my phone to send him to cheer him up…. 

Brooke seems to share some characteristics with Greek hunter Narkissos in that when she sees her reflection (in this case in the screen of the phone as we take a picture) she is over come with glee.  Unlike Narkissos, she happens to think the girl in the reflection is incredibly funny in addition to adorable.

Family Photos

After Brooke was born we took some family photo’s to help commemorate the event.  We thought that with Brooke turning a year old recently, we would do the same.  Here are the great photo’s that our photographer took.