My daughter Brooke is a morning person just like her Mom. She wakes up with a smile excited and ready for the day.
She is trying to use her power of cuteness to lull her Dad out of his slumber.
Finally, squinted success! Good morning Dad!
Yesterday was Oma’s birthday and she had a fun and eventful day starting with some time with morning baby, Brooke.
“Happy Birthday Oma!”
Then her birthday present was to get a photo shoot done with Brooke.
Then we all went on a family walk at Oak Grove Lake.
Topped off with a delicious dinner out (at a family friendly restaurant of course).
Brooke playing with Oma’s pretty bangles. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMA! Hope it was great!
The Chesapeake City Park is now open from it’s almost year-long renovations. Laura was checking out the park while AJ was at work and tried Brooke in a swing for the first time. They came back together for some family time at the park. The second time was a lot more successful in the swing as it is padded with two towels. Even though Brooke is much larger than most babies her age (wearing now 9-12 mo clothing at 4 1/2 mo) she is still a very little baby. We had some fun romping with her around the playground though.