Welcome Baby Girl

Baby girl joined our family on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 5:10pm.  She was born weighing 9 lbs at 21 1/2 inches long.  She is doing great and already has her Mom and Dad wrapped around her little finger.  We are still deciding on her name and hopefully will have it picked out shortly.  As the whole family gets settled into a routine and caught up on some lost sleep we will post more photos and videos here.  In the meantime, here is our first family portrait.

Laura versus Mother Goose – – Mother Goose Wins!

No, I know what you were thinking when you read the title of this post… Laura was not the victim of a freak goose attack.

Even though our family has not “hatched” yet, the local geese neighbors had 6 goslings hatch the other day.  Sunday evening we walked around the lake and noticed the mother goose laying on her eggs.  The following night Laura took a walk and saw the baby geese fresh out of their eggs stumbling all over themselves.  Just a few days into this world they sure are getting the hang of walking and swimming.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QH3sgZQV7M]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn9X99WqPm8]

Nursery Decoration – April 22, 2012

We completed the decoration for the nursery today.  Because Laura is 37 weeks along, AJ was lucky enough to have the honor to put together all the furniture.  Laura took charge though with decorating the walls and bookshelf.  We are now officially ready for the baby, whenever she may come.

Babymoon – April 20-22, 2012

We went to Nags Head, NC, better known as the Outer Banks (OBX) for a last weekend away before our baby girl arrives.  We had a great time relaxing and sightseeing around the area.


Hiking First Landing State Park – March 11, 2012

Laura and I went hiking today at First Landing State Park, a local place right near the beach.  It was the perfect day out, a little warm but not too hot.  My new phone allowed me to attempt taking a few panoramic pictures without much trouble.