Brooke’s Newborn Photo Shoot – May 23, 2012

When Brooke was 10 days old we had a photographer take her picture in several different cute poses – – here are the final prints.  Looking at these and how big she is now, it’s amazing that it’s only been a few weeks since these were taken.



Brooke Turns 1 Month Old

Brooke turned one month old yesterday, June 14th, 2012.  In all the excitement of this Brooke had us running around and we didn’t have any time to share it with the world, so please excuse our day late post.  Also, we just found out this morning that Brooke, despite only being a month old no longer fits into her ‘0-3 Month’ clothes, she is now wearing ‘3 Month’ clothes because of how tall she is.

Oma & Opa Visit Brooke – June 2-8, 2012

This week Laura’s parents, Karl (Opa) and Veronica (Oma), flew to Virginia from Arizona to visit Brooke.  Both had a lot of fun holding, playing with, and taking care of her at home and they took her on some adventures as well.  Brooke went to her first Pow Wow on June 2nd and got to see all the traditional dances and listen to the drum circle’s singers.  She loves being in her BOB stroller.  Laura got to eat a fry bread taco too.  Yum!  Then they went to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens on a drizzly June 5th and got to see all the beautiful hydrangeas in bloom.  Brooke was very snugly under the rain protector in her BOB,  and luckily Laura had a hat and socks in her diaper bag (a mom, even a new one, is always prepared).  June 6th was the Sea and Air Parade for OpSail 2012 at the Norfolk waterfront.  AJ joined everyone at this event highlighting military ships as they sailed through the harbor.  Brooke looked adorable in her nautical themed dress.  June 8th was Opa’s last day and they went to the Tall Ships Parade of Sail at the Norfolk Harbor again.  This time Laura got to try out the ERGO with Brooke.  Brooke loved it and promptly fell into a happy sleep.  They had a busy but fun week visiting.

Special Delivery – June 2, 2012

When Laura was pregnant she thought it would be a good idea for her and AJ to take the infant photos themselves.  AJ has always been really good with photography and Laura figured out some cute settings.  One idea came to her when she received a big box of baby supplies from her mom packed in pink packing peanuts.  Laura told AJ that they could take a picture of Brooke in the box as a “Special Delivery”.  Then she found a perfect personalized onesie to match the concept.  The pictures speak for themselves…

Brooke Meets Two of Her Three Pregnancy Friends

While Laura was pregnant with Brooke she spent a lot of time with her friends Carla and Marcella, who were also pregnant with their girls.  All three women were due within 5 weeks of each other.  Laura had Brooke first and then Carla had her twins a week later.  Marcella is due in 2 weeks!  Today Marcella and Laura got to visit Carla’s adorable twin girls – Margaret and Nicole.  Also Brooke got to meet her new friends!