Videos of Brooke

Videos of Brooke from June 29, 2012 thru July 19, 2012













Brooke’s Two Month Checkup

Today we had Brooke’s two month check up.  Our Pediatrician, Dr Mink, continues to be impressed by her height – – she measured taller than 99.95% of girls her age at 25″ tall.  He say’s this as he literally looks up to the both of us.  She is also eating like a champ, now weighing in at 13 lbs 3 oz.

Grammy and Grandpa Visit – June 17th – 24th, 2012

Grammy and Grandpa visited Brooke this week for the first time.  They got to play with her and have a good time bathing Brooke, going on walks with her around the neighborhood and at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  They even were able to go on a cruise aboard the American Rover for a nice afternoon downtown.




Brooke’s Growing

Today we gave Brooke a bath and Grandpa helped clean her and brush her hair.  After she was all clean we weighed and measured her – – and boy (or should I say girl?) has she grown.  She is now 11 1/2 lbs and 24 in long.

