“Are we there yet?” asks Brooke as she chews her hand in anticipation.
Yearly Archives: 2012
Brooke’s Day
Brooke had a busy day today. She got a new outfit from Morna (and she loves it), she lounged by the pool and also learned to chew on her toy.
[youtube http://youtu.be/YM9RyzvctOY]
[youtube http://youtu.be/4uyvZJh3JIg]
Allison and Austin
Brooke’s First Cold
Family Time – July 23, 2012
The three of us got to spend some much needed time together today. Brooke had a blast smiling and “talking” to us. Also, she wants everyone to know that she has graduated from using her sleep sac at night to now ‘sleeping free’ in her one-piece sleeper with footies.